The German Broadcasting Corporation (Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft) and Poland (1923–1939)


  • Sebastian Fikus Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


history of broadcasting in Poland and Germany in the Interwar period, Polish-German relations in the Interwar period, Polish Radio and the German Broadcasting Corporation, politics and radio in Upper Silesia and the Free City of Gdańsk


This article surveys the relations between the Polish Radio and the German Broadcasting Corporation (Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft) in the interwar period. In its early phase the relationship was overshadowed by disputes over programmes on Upper Silesia and the takeover by a German company of the radio station in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig). After Hitler became chancellor in 1933 there was a marked improve- ment in relations: the two parties even made an agreement to relay each other's programmes. However, in September 1939 the German radio network (RRG) actively aided the German army in its invasion of Poland


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How to Cite

Fikus, S. (2020). The German Broadcasting Corporation (Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft) and Poland (1923–1939). Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 23(1), 69–84. Retrieved from



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