Digital innovation in journalism: An analysis of projects financed by Google's Digital News Initiative Fund


  • Piotr Andrusiewicz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie


media innovation, digital journalism, new technology text, Google, Digital News Initiative Fund


In 2016-2018 Google ran a special fund to support innovation in European journalism. This  article is based on the analysis of over 600 descriptions of successful projects from the Google Digital News Initiative website. The aim of the survey was to get the picture of the digital innovations implemented in the framework of competing projects and to find out whether the language of the descriptions reveals how the participants define their vision of digital innovations in journalism.


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How to Cite

Andrusiewicz, P. (2021). Digital innovation in journalism: An analysis of projects financed by Google’s Digital News Initiative Fund. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 24(2), 95–118. Retrieved from



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