Celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the World War Two Victory Day in Moscow in 2005: Commentaries in the Polish press


  • Grzegorz Zackiewicz Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


Politics and history, Polish-Russian relations after World War II, Polish press coverage of the 60th Anniversary of the World War II, Victory Day in Moscow


This is an analysis of the commentaries published in the Polish press in the wake of the celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the World War II Victory Day in Moscow in 2005. In Poland these commemorations triggered a live debate which focused on the future of Polish-Russian relations, Russia’s strategic goals on the international scene, the Polish Eastern policy and the uses of history as a tool of state policy


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How to Cite

Zackiewicz, G. (2019). Celebrations of the 60th Anniversary of the World War Two Victory Day in Moscow in 2005: Commentaries in the Polish press. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 22(1), 81–96. Retrieved from https://rhpp.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/9872



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