Periodical publications in second-hand book trade


  • Grzegorz Nieć Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie


Poland’s book trade in the 21st Century, secondhand trade in periodicals, the antiquarian business, collectible periodicals, changes in the press market


This article presents an analysis of the current situation of periodical magazines in second-hand book trade. Although periodical publications constitute a mere margin of that market, they can be found in practically all its segments, from the antiquarian through remainders to hot-off-the-press editions. However, their presence is individual segments does vary, both in terms of quantity and value. Moreover, the traditional balance of supply and demand has been put under severe pressure by technological changes in press distribution (Internet) and the ongoing digitalization of archival and library collections.


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How to Cite

Nieć, G. (2018). Periodical publications in second-hand book trade. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 21(2), 63–80. Retrieved from



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