Student press in the 1970s (1972–1980): Tendencies and trends
student culture in Poland in 1945–1989, alternative student press, ephemeral student magazines and columnsAbstract
In the 1970s and 1980s Poland student magazines became an alternative to the official literary and juvenile press. They were published under the auspices of the official student organization ZSP, renamed SZSP (The Socialist Polish Students’ Association), but their editors did enjoy a notable degree of autonomy, relative to the ideologically-controlled mainstream student culture. They owed their special status to the mode their products were published — irregularly, as small circulation single-issue magazines distributed outside the official channels. Among the most important amateur one-off community magazines were Dwukropek, Faktor, Gaudeamus, Konfrontacje, Linia, Magazyn Studencki, Spojrzenia, Smar.
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