Biuletyn Informacyjny and Biuletyn Informacyjny LKDS (The Strike Edition): Zines published by the Student Journalist Club of Lublin in 1981


  • Barbara Centek Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń


Poland in 1945–1989, Polish strikes of 1981, student press, independent student journalism


The student strikes in the autumn of 1981 generated a flurry of cultural activities including a number of uncensored publishing initiatives. So for instance members of the Student Journalist Club of Lublin revived the Biuletyn Informacyjny under the new title Biuletyn Informacyjny LKDS (The Strike Edition). It was treated with distrust both by the communist authorities and the sympathizers of the Independent Student Union (NZS), who associated it with the old Socialist Union of Polish Students.


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Popińska J., Historia Socjalistycznego Związku Studentów Polskich na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim (1973-1982), „Rocznik Wrocławski” 2016.

Różdżyński J., Studencki ruch dziennikarski, [w:] Czasopisma studenckie w Polsce (1971-1976), [t. 2], pod red. A. K. Waśkiewicza, Warszawa 1977.

Wierzbicki M., Młodzież w PRL, Warszawa 2009.



How to Cite

Centek, B. (2018). Biuletyn Informacyjny and Biuletyn Informacyjny LKDS (The Strike Edition): Zines published by the Student Journalist Club of Lublin in 1981. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 21(1), 45–63. Retrieved from



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