The press in Royal Prussia in the 18th century: Problems of reception. State of research and new historiographic perspectives


  • Katarzyna Chlewicka Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Katedra Filologii Germańskiej


Polish press in the 18th century, Royal Prussia, press reception studies


This article deals with the subject of the reception of periodic press in Royal Prussia in the most authoritative histories of the Polish press in the 18th century. Although the newspapers and periodicals of that region make up c. 25% of the total output of the press published in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, they have been ignored or at best marginalized, even in the most comprehensive and broadly-based studies.


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How to Cite

Chlewicka, K. (2017). The press in Royal Prussia in the 18th century: Problems of reception. State of research and new historiographic perspectives. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 19(2), 5–20. Retrieved from



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