Lawsuits against the editors of Lech: Gazeta Gnieźnieńska in 1895–1914


  • Grażyna Gzella Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń


Polish press in Wielkopolska in the late 19th and early 20th century, The Prussian Province of Posen, Gniezno, lawsuits against journalists


Between 1985 and 1914 the editorsof Lech: Gazeta Gnieźnieńska were takencourt eighty times. They had to pay a totalof 4125 marks in fines and were sentencedto a toital of four years, three monthsand one week. Of the twenty-five editorsof the Gniezno paper, seventeenwere taken to Prussian courts


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How to Cite

Gzella, G. (2016). Lawsuits against the editors of Lech: Gazeta Gnieźnieńska in 1895–1914. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 18(4), 5–19. Retrieved from



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