The Portfolio: British columnists, Polish émigrés and Russian classified diplomatic correspondence
The press in the 19th century, Poland’s Great Emigration, Great Britain in the 19th century, Poland in the 19th century, Russia in the 19th century, Anglo-Russian rivalry in the 19th century, The Eastern Question, Adam Jerzy Czartoryski (1770–1861), DavidAbstract
The Portfolio; or a Collection of State Papers,etc. Illustrative of the History of our Times was a joint publishing venture of Polish émigrés gathered round Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and his British sympathizers led by David Urquhart. Its core content were classified Russian diplomatic documents seized by Polish insurgents during the November 1830 Rising. Published as a series of volumes in 1835-1837 and 1843-1844 (New Series), The Portfolio principal aim was to discredit Russia; and more practically to rally the European public opinion to contain Russia’s advance in the East and to support the cause of Poland’s independence.
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