The press in the Diaries of Michał Römer (Mykolas Romeris), 1911–1945. Part II: April 1920 – February 1945


  • Krzysztof Woźniakowski Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie


press history in the early 20th century, Polish, Lithuanian and Belorusian press scene until 1945, Wilno (Vilnius), a political journalist's diaries, Michał Römer (Mykolas Romeris; 1880–1945)


The press never featured prominently in the private diaries of Michał Römer (1880-1945), a Polish-Lithuanian academic and politician (and every now and then editor and journalist). Nonetheless the diaries, which he kept for 34 years, are a veritable mine of information about the multilingual press scene in Wilno, especially  between 1911 and 1915, when he was an important player in that field. For the following years and decades, down to 1945, his diaries remain an important sources as he continued to watch, analyze and comment, in his own way, on the dramatic shifts in Poland's and Lithuania's multilingual press market, a process driven by political and military upheavals of 20th century.


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How to Cite

Woźniakowski, K. (2021). The press in the Diaries of Michał Römer (Mykolas Romeris), 1911–1945. Part II: April 1920 – February 1945. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 24(4), 19–36. Retrieved from



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