‘The Way of the Cross, or the Exodus of the Polish People Evicted from Their Village’. Lithograph prints, postcards and poems calling for the defence of Polish land and homes


  • Grażyna Gzella Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń


Polish press under Prussian rule in the early 20th century, press law trials, fusion of religious and nationalist imagery, Gazeta Świecka, Nowy Przyjaciel Ludu, Mieczysław Noskowicz


‘The Way of the Cross, or the Exodus of the Polish People Evicted from Their Village’ is the title of a painting by Mieczysław Noskowicz. It was reprinted in every edition of the Gazeta Świecka published at Świecie and Nowy Przyjaciel Ludu [The New People’s Friend] at Kępno. The picture, rounded off with fitting verses and made available as a postcard, attracted the attention of the prosecutor’s office. In a series of trials the courts imposed fines on both its authors and distributors for breach of press law and ‘incitement to violence’; meanwhile the police confiscated a large number of the picture’s reprints.


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How to Cite

Gzella, G. (2017). ‘The Way of the Cross, or the Exodus of the Polish People Evicted from Their Village’. Lithograph prints, postcards and poems calling for the defence of Polish land and homes. Yearbook of the History of Polish Press, 20(3), 93–105. Retrieved from https://rhpp.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/4391



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